Friday 24 October 2014

Potato Meat Loaf

Potato  Meat  Loaf


Beef mince                                                         250 grams
Ginger /garlic  paste                                        1 tbsp
Worcestershire  sauce                                     1 tbsp
Onion (chopped)                                              3 tbsp
Green chillies (chopped)                                  3
Peas (boiled)                                                      1/2 cup
Cheaddar  cheese  (geated)                             1/0 cup
Carrot (boiled  and  cut) egg                           1 each
Breadcrumbs                                                      1/2 cup
Butter                                                                    1 tbsp
Tomato puree white vinegar                      2 tb sp each
Fresh  coriander (chopped)                         2 tbsp + for garnishing
Bread                                                                    2 slices
White  sauce                                                      1 .1/2 cup
Hot  spices . chilli powder . 1 tsp  each
Salt                                                                         1  tsp

lngredients  for  potato
Potato      (boiled  and  mashed)                   1/2  kg
Butter                                                                      1  tbsp
Fresh  milk                                                             1/2  cup
White  pepper  powder  .salt                         1/2  tsp each


.Mix potato  ingredients;   keep   ;aside.
 .Deep  freeze  a  loaf  tin .
Mix  mince  with ginger / garlic. onion.  red  chillies  and  salt and till  dry  .
Add. peas.carrot. bread slices. vinegar .worcestershire .sauce.tomato.puree. hot spices egg. coriander and white sauce.
Layer  loaf  tin with breadcrumbs  and mince.
Add butter and cheese on top and bake in a pre heated oven at 180.C for. 40 minutes
Fill little potato  mixture in a piping  bog.
Dish out mince on plate and spread remaining potato mixture over it with a knife.
Garnish with potato mixture in piping bag and fresh coriander . serve.

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